verb (passive)

When a girl who is friends with several members of a social fraternity hosts a party at the same time as one of said fraternity's off-campus pledge program events.
Brother 1: Who all is going camping next weekend?
Brother 2: You must be mustarded. No one is going. That event got esthered.
by Attmay Ustardmay October 16, 2006
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jotaro obsessed, not a simp, very stronk, yuhhhhhh get into it, eats severed toes for daily, cut off her hand for yoshikage kira but kira keeps cheating on her with mona lisa and jotaro cheats on her with dolphins
Pp: “she do be obsessed with jotaro
by Jotaro Kujo (eber) June 5, 2020
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To ruin situations or friendships by participating in one or more of the following activities: puking on people's furniture, dressing like Blossom, having a massive bush and uneven nipples that you awkwardly cover with a sports bra, stealing people's spotlights, getting involved in everything that doesn't concern you (especially when it comes to the exploitation of homeless people), and wearing high heels with sweatpants at the club.
Did you see her get finger-banged by Junior before puking all over the couch?? Way to completely estherize the place.
by SMDEsther September 4, 2010
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when a squirrel has buttsex with a frog.
they just had a buttugly esther!
by WEEEEEENUS March 28, 2007
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esther smells like B.O and she never brushes her hair, she is a wild beast and she never showers, she stinks like hell even her family talks about disowning her.
mother : gosh this house smells like B.O
father : yeah i know it's esther
mother : we should disown her
father : not until she's 18
mother : okay then
by piniple12 March 18, 2019
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esther smells like B.O and she never brushes her hair, she is a wild beast and she never showers, she stinks like hell even her family talks about disowning her.
mother : gosh this house smells like B.O
father : yeah i know it's esther
mother : we should disown her
father : not until she's 18
mother : okay then
by piniple12 March 18, 2019
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