Eloni Musk#9 Urinal Cake fragrance smells like cheddar cheese broccoli, Tabasco sauce, pizza, popcorn and skunk.
Elon Musk#9 Urinal Cake is also available for under the lid of toilet seat of Elon-Gated American Standard thrones at your local Moose Lodge.
by BigFranky@hotmail.com February 16, 2023
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When you think so outside of the box people think you're crazy, but your idea ends up being way better than anyone thought.

Inspires people to come up with ideas to fix problems we didn't know we had.
Bro 1: "Bro, what if we made rockets that landed themselves upright after their flight, and dug tunnels under Los Angeles so we don't have to deal with traffic?"

Bro 2: "Bro that's crazy....so crazy it might just work."

Bro 1: "Thanks bro, I knew I could inspire you to think like a billionaire toddler. I call that shit the Elon Musk Effect!"
by Phillip the Joseph 32 July 2, 2019
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1) The name of the effect where someone has an idea for a product that is so outside the box, no one thinks it will work, but it works way better than people thought it would.

2) (On Twitter) When Elon Musk links something or references a website, his followers (eg, the musketeers), will immediately click the link, overwhelming the site's servers and acting as a DDOS, meaning only the first several people to click the link will see the page, and the rest will have to wait for the site to die down.
1) Elon Musk: What if... like... we landed rockets on a drone ship in the ocean?

Everyone: lmao good luck with that
Elon Musk: *does it*
Everyone: Guess thats just the Elon Musk Effect

2) Elon Musk: stankmemes.com strikes again
everyone: *goes to site*
everyone: site is down, I blame the Elon Musk Effect.
by Catt0s August 21, 2020
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The biggest Bratan in the Universe. 6,022*10^23 times bigger and better than anything you will ever achieve. Let that sink in for a moment. For reference, that number looks like this: 602200000000000000000000, with this many zeros (23). That would be like comparing the biggest Bratan in the observable Universe to 6,022*10^23 Toyota Corollas.

Eyyyy Elon 'Bratan' Musk, how is Space X doing??
by Elon 'Bratan' Musk December 27, 2017
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When they were once together as a COUPLE.
R L GRIMES pines so much for that ASSH0LEY MATTRESS SEX lifestyle again with ELON REEVE MUSK but at least she has that song to PLAY over and over to remind her to be truthful to the WORLD'S RICHEST MAN as hete is ONE OF THEIR SONGS , R L GRIMES AND ELON REEVE MUSK SONG as LOVE bUG LEavE My hEaRt aloNE. by MARTHA REEVES AND THE VANDELLA'S GORDY RECORDS..MOTOWN (UNIVERSAL MUSIC GROUP) LUCIAN CHARLES GRANGE CBD CEO
by SHIT ASSH0LE ANAL ALAN April 10, 2022
A scent likened to that of a smell associated with ComicCon, but with a hint of privilege.
Whew! What's that smell?

You like that? I've been on Twitter the last few days and haven't showered.

Damn, I knew it was a case of Elon's Musk.
by street_samurai December 17, 2022
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Working hard to achieve your dreams or unlikely results
Person A: "Where is your brother? I haven't seen him in weeks!"
Person B: "He is Elon Musking in the library."
by Gaussberg February 19, 2018
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