He makes the girls fall in love with him and then breaks there heart. He has a amazing body but a small dick. He still finds a way to pleasure the ladies.
by Bewaretheprick December 19, 2016
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Final Destination is a disc where two space foxes normally fight on, talk shit and shine
by big ni🅱🅱a January 20, 2019
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An bizarre accident; An accident that is so strange and that occurs under such unbelievable circumstances that it appears that the accident was straight out of Hollywood.
The guy's car was rear-ended and pushed into one of those car haulers - the chain securing the SUV on the top broke and it rolled off the hauler and landed in the back seat of the car crushing the chick in the back and the driver walked away without a scratch...

Wow! That was a real final destination accident.
by JimmyJay March 20, 2007
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1. the people whos lifes have been saved from an accident by another with visions of the future, although still living, will in the near future meet death through an even crazier accident then the original accident that should have killed you
"It doesn't matter if they are still alive, they will die soon cause that have final destination disease."

"The people saved have all contracted final destination disease. Now its just a matter of time."
by scotviking August 9, 2011
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a horror movie that was released on February 10, 2006 that is centered around a premonition about death on a roller coaster. The movie stars Mary Elizabeth Winstead(Sky High, The Ring Two, Black Christmas) as Wendy- the female lead, and Ryan Merriman(Halloween: Resurrection, The Ring Two, The Luck of the Irish) as Kevin- the male lead. The movie was shot in Canada in 2005. Some interesting trivia concerning the stars is: Mary Winstead and Ryan Merriman both starred in "The Ring 2" in 2005. Also, the same year as Final Destination 3 was released, Mary Winstead starred in Black Christmas along with Crystal Lowe, another actress in Final Destination 3.
"We should go rent a horror movie at Blockbuster like Halloween or Final Destination 3"
by simpleguy September 7, 2009
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Dry-ass school. Students here start fights for no reason and have so many fucking issues. Staff can be racist mofos and be strict for no reason.
Person 1: Hey you go to Destin Middle School?
Person 2: Yeah
Person 1: Shit get your daddy issues outta here
by Badussy379 January 31, 2022
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when someones peronality is so hideous that he can never be accepted into social society, he will never form any bonds of any kind. he will have no friends, and never get married. he is destined to die alone.
cool guy: hello there buddy!
dario: (scowls and spits)
cool guy: dario you are destined to die alone
by tinytom January 20, 2007
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