An absolute dog of a cunt, no one likes him he always dogs the fucking boys. Thinks he’s hard talking shit online but no one fucking likes the cunt because he looks like a Down syndrome fucking hamster that has been raped by it’s owner and it’s owner’s uncle over 1000 times.

Genuinely just a fucking tosser.
Fuck Declan is a cunt, I don’t think anyone likes him
by Maddogyamaddog August 3, 2018
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The best guy you will ever meet. Declan will be there for you no matter what. Although he may seem mean he is actually the sweetest boy you will ever come across. He is beautiful inside and out. He is very confident yet sensitive. If you have a declan, be thankful because you have been so blessed. Hold on to him with all of your strength because you’re not going to want to let him go. You will learn to love him forever and ever so don’t you let go of possibly the greatest thing in your life.
Trevor: Hey Gina do you know declan, he goes to this school.


Billy: he’s actually my best friend I’ve known him since kindergarten

by Loner 578 July 5, 2019
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A feminine character, can be the nicest person you'll ever meet, can also be an utter nonce as well. Stereotypically would have brown hair unless he's dyed it again..... Declan is one of those people that would lounge around in a mankini and not care. He tries his hardest to keeps all 7 of his side chicks happy whilst not letting the main one find out. He does give off homosexual vibes most of the time but he swears he's not
Matt : "Why is Declan dancing around in heels at a midget's 13th party??"
Kian: "It's because he's different to all of us.."
by wagwan famalam March 8, 2017
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The most amazing person you will ever meet and he is extremely handsome. He knows how to treat a girl. He so nice and friendly and brave he is very social.
by Animal lover idk whatelsetoput February 19, 2020
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AKA the hulk and all the girls want to be with him. everyone is scared of him because of how buff he is, but when you get to now him he is pretty sweet.
person 1: look at declans muscles you can see them 20 km away.
person 2: mine are bigger
person1: in your dreams bud
person 2: they are

person 1: what ever makes you sleep at night bud
by big man 14 14 October 21, 2014
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an excessevily boyant boy who shaves his legs and wears gold hot pants
Declan is excessively boyant he looks like a kylie manoge clone
by mountianbikeman March 2, 2008
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A very un-athletic but very creative, artistic person, often an ideas guy. They are very likeable and have he best sense of humour, all his friends are jealous of him because he gets all the hot, sexy chicks, when he flirts they flirt back, those cute chicks give him nick names. Declan is an all round nice person, but don't mess with him... just... just don't, he's really nice :)

Declan is the best

Declan is life

Declan is the fried in your chicken

Declan is the D in the P

Declan does not Iquweet

We all love Declan, because he is so loveable... but if you break his heart he won't come back.
Guy one "whoa, that guy's so lucky, how come he gets all the bitches?"

Guy two "I don't know...?"

Guy one "man he's such a Declan
by SuperSpiderOnePunchDeadPoolMan November 22, 2016
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