One of the biggest cesspools in the United States of America. A large mid-western city riddled with crime and corruption. Home to some of the laziest freeloaders in the world. A sanctuary city that is home to millions of illegal aliens.
I got my shoes dirty when I stepped in Chicago
by Embarassed to be from here January 7, 2011
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Milwaukees largest, dirtiest suburb.
Dude 1 - Hey I'm going down to Chicago
Dude 2 - Aww man, I hope you got FIB insurance and a body condom.
by J Rock And Teh Rockpile September 14, 2009
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A three headed monster that, upon seeing someone, draws them in, gives them diahreea with his terrible pizza from his narzzle gland, right next to his anal gland, also known as a "corrupt politician" monster (the origin of this name is unknown)
Man- Hey, Frank, how's it going?

Other Man- Oh its okay, the wife's pregnant and she's craving the blood of newborn goats...

Man- Too bad.... OMG!!! Its a Chicago! Run!

Other Man- Ahhhhhh!!!!! Why is it crapping?

Man- That's the pizza!!!

(sounds of gurgling and death)
by Justkidding^^^haha June 22, 2010
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(N.) a would-be okay town, if not responsible for Jerry Springer, Oprah's book club, Perfect Strangers, and God-awful movies from broadway with it's name as the title. (Oh yeah, and that too, broadway.)
I'm from the big, windy city. shi-town, illinois. I'm the reason why musicals are back. Horray for me!
by G-Union May 17, 2003
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A city that’s exciting! A city that’s inviting! A city for a women just like me! There’s a lake they call Lake Michigan! I think i’m really fitting in! This city is my perfect cup of Tea!
Chicago! Chicago!
by Kaytay October 26, 2018
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Scott is constantly pulling a Chicago. When he tells a story he talks about the weather in Illinois but all we really need to know is where the best pizza place is in Chicago.
by daisieNC May 27, 2010
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