Adjective synonomous with totally cool. See totally cool.
"That's awesome! And by awesome, I mean totally cool"
by CrazyJohn January 12, 2006
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another word for cool or tight.
for example:
.,--^--------,------ -------,----------,------ ---^--,
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.``/ XXxxXX //\____(
.`/ XXxxXX /
./ XXxxXX /
That right there is awesome!
by shea mitchell February 25, 2007
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Something that is awesome or a state of being awesome. Some people are awesome, and they can handle awesome things. Others that aren't awesome, cannot handle awesome things. Also a person or something can be awesome to a degree. Super-awesome, or insane-awesome are examples. Officially awesome: Declared awesome by Mr. Awesome.
One can also be declared awesome by someone else, but it isn't official.
Bob: I drew a comic.
Mr. Awesome: Yes it is very awesome, Bob.
Jim: Can I read it?
Mr. Awesome: No, you are not awesome enough to handle it.

by Ark The Spriteman July 11, 2008
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A word of which to describe things that one thinks is amazing, and/or cool. Most oftenly used by the legendary Barney Stinson.
"Dude! That action movie, with all those car crashes and stuff? AWESOMEEEE!"
by LittleMissSunshine May 30, 2008
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Riding a rocket lawn chair through a strange portal while dressed in a disguise with a cat that happens to be a chef on your back.
Person 1: Wow, did you just see that person riding that rocket lawn chair while in a disguise with a cat on his back that happened to be a chef?

Person 2: That was the very definition of awesome.
by neither April 19, 2009
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