When a girl pulls a guys uncircumcised penis’s foreskin before ejaculation to capture the cum.
by November 12, 2021
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When your longhorn server takes the bread and stuffs it full of their cream ;)
Waiter: Yea the guy at table 34 was being a cunt so I gave him a longhorn cannoli.

Host: Man you're fucked.
by longhornhostnigga November 2, 2020
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An individual, preferably female, that does a wide variety of drugs, who exposes themselves to a wide variety of men or women, has no shame in wrecking long time relationships, quickly jumps to her next "victim" and nonchalantly moves on.
Brice:Hey larry why dontcha stay fer the party ayy? Larry: Thanks for the offer Brice, but i gotta get tf outta here, Nicolie-Cannoli is in the next room over, and i dont cheat i dont want my wife thinking.... Brice: Ohhhh, i gotcha. Go head man get home before divorce papers are on the kitchen table.
by Galaxyzbeyond101 May 7, 2019
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"Fuck, you're Cannoli Smith."
"Cannoli Smith is so hot."
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