Exis: “I’d suck kanye’s dingaling 25/8 i’m a kanye d rider”
by mileseatstheworld July 22, 2022
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a lesbian whore who has sex with women excessively riding the womans twat.
that lesbian is one hot twat rider!!
by woahmanwoah101 March 8, 2011
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When someone pretends to be someone they're not in orderto be associated with someone with social standing
Yo that girl is a sac rider trying to get in the club

SaYing she wit the DJ
by Unreal game July 29, 2022
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Someone who has fucked every single possible race of human kind and cuts his dick off afterwards.
Guy1: "Dude what happened to your dick?"

Guy2: "Oh I'm an International Rider."
by Squirt56yz June 3, 2014
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When you take a shit (particularly a solid one) and post wipe you notice no anal residue left behind on the toilet paper. This happening is synonymous with possessing a “golden butthole” if it has happened more than 5 times in a year. Congratulations are in order for anyone who successfully attains a Ghost Rider.
My uncle Rusty took the longest shit last night in my bathroom, I was upset at the smell until he showed me his Ghost Rider! I can’t believe that dump left his asshole clean as a whistle, Rusty is a true American hero.
by mangegroup March 1, 2019
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Someone who sleeps with you and immediately disappears into the night.
Girl #1 - “Damn he didn’t ghost you did he?!”
Girl #2 - “Worse... he was a ghost rider...”
by thebronchwhisperer March 30, 2022
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Ghost rider is a marvel comic Amit-hero.
Has a flaming skull and mostly a black leather outfit.
There where many ghost riders (even a female one). Usually the Ghost Rider is a spirit of vengeance who can poses a person. Ghost rider has a bike called “hell-cycle”. The most popular ghost rider is Jonny balze who gave his soll to the devil himself so his step father wouldn’t die of cancer but he died anyway.

Only weapons forged from heaven can kill him. His powers are: Immense superhuman strength, stamina, agility, reflexes, endurance, and durability.
Enchanted hellfire chain, motorcycle, cars, swords, and shotgun.
Invulnerability to fire, heat, lava and flames.
Penance Stare.
Accelerated healing factor.
His first appearance is in marvel spotlight #5 August 1972
Ghost rider the spirit of vengeance
by daredevil1950s September 3, 2019
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