On August 9th it’s “ They wasted my time day. Post someone or multiple people who have wasted your time all these years.
Happy National They Wasted My Time Day “
by yobitchhhass August 2, 2022
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the act of getting so shitfaced that you make out with a boy you like and puke then continue to make out afterwards
person 1: “let’s get willow girl wasted tonight!”
person 2: “no thanks, last time you did that, you ended up puking on your crushes lap”
by tightbussyprincess123 October 8, 2023
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Definition: When you wake up in someone else’s room butt ass naked after a gnarly night of boozin’.
Harrison: “dude I woke up in some guys room butt ass nakedLuke: “dude you got Wyckoff wasted”
by Hmendral August 7, 2021
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The food in your pantry that needs to be thrown out.
I just cleaned out the pantry and threw out 5-year-old bag of lo mein noodles. What a pantry waste.
by Wyco Boyd March 2, 2019
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The act of getting so white girl wasted that you can spell it.
I’m so freaking white fork wasted after eight shots of tequila.
by whiteboi9599 November 25, 2022
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