The day we all celebrate the millions of people that are part of the spam community. We will also celebrate and honor, iggy azealia, and @spamcouncil on instagram. (spam council is a group of spammers that run the spam community)
oh my god!!! girls and gays, it’s International Spam Community Day!!!”
by xenoclip October 19, 2019
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Fam-spam is any unrequested info about anything you're selling, sent to family members, especially to multiple members of the family at once.
I totally just posted some fam-spam on my family's 'What's App' thread about an eBay item in selling! Bahaha!
by Rock22 February 27, 2019
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It can be a response when you get random messages with digits and letters that reminds you to a spammer virus text.
Someone: JRJX73J2

ett 5ejne 2
You: virus spam tingz
by tragicTingz June 6, 2020
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The only legit response to a friend spamming you from nowhere with random letters or digits via any kind of messenger.
Friend: wgbwtvwb wtvtqvqf$%×:;%

lxrcqf**÷×*"&&÷ 182bcnx

&#&#&or8 34loo1foxfqlc
Me: virus spam tingz
by tragicTingz June 2, 2020
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If you get spammed by your friend with random digits or letters, this is the only legal way to react.


kdkeox8 dich

ebfn8ce8k DIY x

You: Virus spam tingz
by tragicTingz June 3, 2020
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The action of nuking an internet platform using only picture files.
My friend Mathias did some Spam Ima! on Instagram.
by Ishukone February 13, 2020
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Election Campaign signs that litter the front lawns and street medians, especially in November. Most annoying when multiple signs for the same person occupy the same few feet of grass.
Crook for Congress! Crook for Congress! Vote Crook!... ugh, look at all those signs: serious case of Yard Spam. I'm not going to vote for him now out of spite.
by ThLttLPrnc October 19, 2010
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