In Japan back in the samurai time male and female samurais had rape kids of their gender this is a old term for a person who is Japanese or non-Japanese boy or girl even now that had got rape or is getting rape by someone of their sex. The rape victim has to be of the ages 10-20 and it can be by lots of people from there sex or one human but could not be by someone from the opposite sex.
This word came from back in the day we're adolescents starting at age 10 working for samurais they had to walk in the house until they was the age of 21 once they were 21 they work in the fields.the male and female samurais did get lonely and believe they are gay and the children are from a 3th gender making

the young workers get rape and it still happens now.
Another word for this is dishwasher.
Japan has a 3th gender and it's ugly.
by 459395 February 17, 2022
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A scientific gender is a person's actual gender, not the gender they identify as. This gender is based on physical features of the reproductive system.
person 1: hey!
person 2: oh hey man whats up!
person 1: E X C U S E M E
person 2: what
person 1: i identify as female!
person 2: oh sorry i was referring to your scientific gender
by poopybuttp January 14, 2020
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The 3rd gender is a term invented by the uncommon group called the "feminists". They use it to describe a person who define themself as neither a boy, or a girl. But basically it's just a bunch of bullshit they invented to have another reason to call men pigs.
by Thomas and Anders :3 May 5, 2017
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One who's gender identity is yet to be revealed. It's a secret forever.
You want to know my gender? To bad, i'm a closet gender
by analise burner April 30, 2019
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"Gender wobbly" describes a category of gender that does not fit the binary, but is not as general as "Genderqueer."

It is typically used to describe a person who does not feel as though they are not the gender they were assigned at birth, but lack the connection to that gender.

People who identify as "Gender wobbly" use the pronouns she/they or he/they, to indicate that they may present as one gender, but are not attached to it.
"Is Sam a boy or a girl?" "Neither, they're gender wobbly."

"Morgan's wearing a dress today, I thought she was nonbinary." "They're actually gender wobbly and today they feel like wearing a dress, but tomorrow she might prefer jeans and a t-shirt."
by mirnell September 5, 2023
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When a person wants to look like a person of the opposite gender so much they get extremely jealous or angry
Kathrine feels gender rage right now when she saw Tim.
by Alanna🙄 December 21, 2020
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