When you climax and unleash a heavy load all over a girl.

Like the glazing on a donut, you've left this girl covered in frosting.
"Alright Mate, I was with that bird last night and I gave her a Frosting".

"I frosted all over this girl last night".
by StinkrayFrosty October 14, 2022
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Choosing not to do something out of laziness, lack of inspiration or general lack of necessity. Generally, choosing the path of least resistance. Named after Robert Frost, because it represents the road not taken.
I thought of taking up a new hobby, but I'm sure I'll eventually be Frosting.
by Ceaseandresist February 9, 2019
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After one gets a spray tan they get a facial immediately afterwards turning their skin into a frosted orange motif.
After she went to salon the only thing that could cool her down was a frosted orange.
by zomBmoon May 16, 2023
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when you cum on your friends food or beverage
person 1: hey man could you give my morning coffee a frosted jackson?
person 2: sure thing man! let me see the cup
by bobs_bluecheese March 13, 2022
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When to take a shit and decide to have a wank (shit wank combo), then proceed to ejaculate onto said defecation, thus ‘frosting the cake
Holly: Hey Chelsea did you hear about Rowan frosting the cake?

Chelsea: no, what’s that mean?

Holly: it’s when you take a shit and jizz on it.

Chelsea: oh right on! Nice!
by Nick loves yogurt July 30, 2022
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The act of sucking fresh fecal residue off of a girl’s ass hair during intercourse
My girl finally let me suck the frosting on candles laste night
by Absolutelegendunit September 16, 2018
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