She’s not even trying to eat it most of the time. She just shoves her face in the baby’s breath; the little white things.
by little chocolate cake February 22, 2018
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Man I had anal sex with her and I know tomorrow she'll be giving birth to some bootie babies.
by Hello peter October 28, 2015
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When you have a humongous shit it is your bovril baby (see bovril basher)
sorry mum my bovril baby just clogged the upstairs bog
by theacer December 18, 2020
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-A person that was born to stand out, not like others.
-Someone who is admired by everyone and is noticed in any room he/she walks in
-A person that effortlessly shines
-Damnn look at that chick she is definitely a Railway baby.
-My only goal in life is to be a railway baby

-Logan thinks he's railway baby but everyone else just thinks he's a beg.
by rul3stTheWlrd July 10, 2023
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1.) an attractive woman, especially one who is also friendly and flirtatious.

2.) a term of endearment for one's significant other.
1.) That waitress is such a sweet baby num num!

2.) Christina is my sweet baby num num.
by oddkin May 19, 2016
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After finishing on a person’s face, you piss on them to clean it off
Person 1: “Damn, Amy is in to Golden Baby Showers!” It was kinda gross…”

Person 2: “Wtf bro why you gotta share that at lunch!”
by IGottaPhDtoBloeShtUp October 15, 2022
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