When you URINATE , DEFECATE and TAKE A SHOWER you keep having it rubbed in WHO ULTIMATELY is in charge.

A harsh punishment for certain PEDOPHILES.
Ultimately this is the most important THINGS IN LIFE and we all are always turning to the BORED OF DIRECTORS as that is are MEANS TO OUR END

Laok as when you PISS AND SHIT ANAL ALAN as everybody can see YOUR BUSINESS and the DENIAL of a SHOWER as to remind you how much you can STINK for the BORED OF DIRECTORS as PEDOPHILES don"t deserve ever any SHOWER as the BOARD OF DIRECTORS won't permit it as it clearly shows and permeates how much of an ASSHOLE you are
by FOLLOW THE PERFECT SUN September 5, 2021
The action of gangs setting up shop to launder money e.g. car washes, barbershop, candy shop, casinos, race tracks
Boring business is defined as when a gang want to get their money clear e.g. car washes, barbershop, candy shop, casinos, race tracks
by The boring business May 9, 2023
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when mrbeast misspoke in his very outdated monopoly video
"Now you advance to Bored Work....*confusion*"
by eyehfb82o7ug rffoiquljheflkjb February 9, 2023
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When Lauren is being boring and not fun.
Boring Lauren is going to bed and snoring. Nthnf.
by landkkiwi November 5, 2023
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Pretty cool ROBLOX game made by judd, you should totally play it
I want to play bored simulator
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An adult without any teeth. Usually great at providing head.
Buster's new boyfriend is a smooth bore. Not a tooth in his head. He gives the best gummies.
by sncf69 May 4, 2022
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