As an alternative to pin-head, bin-head, shortened to just ‘bin’ is used to describe a person who is ingenuine (not authentic) that acts like a human pile of garbage. Yes, bin one of the greatest uncensored insults.
You: You know that Alison is so fun to be around sometimes, but she puts people down who think or act differently than her?

Me: No way, she’s such a bin.
by kifferkanner October 19, 2021
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Bin (noun). Bin is short for binary and refers to a person who conforms the the gender binary basically anyone who isn't non-binary or under the non-binary umbrella this includes transmen and transwomen
Person 1:"Hi I use he/him pronouns."
Person 2: "F#ck off bin"
by Non-binary whore October 4, 2021
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The action of ghosting the living fuck out of someone
That person is getting so binned right now because he changed in every way possible.
by user3927_97 March 1, 2022
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British slang for the unfortunate circumstance where you take a left turn too hard
"Where's your car, mate?"
"Fockin' binned it on the way 'ere"
"Bloody Christ"
by CaptainOppai September 6, 2021
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The act of stealing someone's bin with a vehicle and wheeling it along as fast as you can trying to hit things like bridges, signs, posts, cones or best of all, OTHER BINS
Me - Grunt, want to go binning
Grunt - Yes
Grunt provides to shout you've just been binned
by fudyfudqueef November 4, 2021
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The act of stealing someone's bin with a vehicle and wheeling it along as fast as you can trying to hit things like bridges, signs, posts, cones or best of all, OTHER BINS
Me - Grunt, want to go binning
Grunt - Yes
Grunt proceeds to shout you've just been binned
by fudyfudqueef November 4, 2021
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A bin raider is a person who digs or rifles through a trash or garbage receptacle in order to discover or find something of value to them, whatever it may be. Could also be similar to a dumpster diver, or a bin diver.
You know that girl Sophie came up on a flatscreen TVs and an iPhone 10 last night digging through the garbage behind the apartments! She’s always found stuff that’s worth money being a bin raider.
by Hellcat125 June 9, 2021
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