Man I am telling you she is a buffalo rider and she will refuse your small cock
by Lucifera September 29, 2014
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When a person with male genitalia receives oral sex from behind after pushing the penis between the legs like Buffalo Bill in the movie Silence of the Lambs .
After I came, I couldn’t get hard so she Buffalo Billed me and we laughed our asses off.
by F. Persimmon February 27, 2023
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When someone leaves an event (Ex: Party, Banquet, family function) without saying goodbye so you don’t have to talk to someone for another half hour as you are leaving.
Brian hit us with with the south Buffalo shuffle, son of a bitch didn’t say a word. Just disappeared.
by Turtleman14075 July 4, 2022
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A hairy man who burns when he pees due to a perpetual sexual infection
Ever since I slept with her I've been a spicy buffalo
by White_lavender November 30, 2021
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it's basically fake tears, and it's most likely used by drama queens.
billy: oh god, emma's crying buffalo tears again..
by dagr8estgamer/rick animation February 26, 2022
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While on one’s knees, one leans forward and places one’s ear to the ground, relaxes one’s sphincter and takes air into one’s colon. Once the colon is cavernous, one must clinch the sphincter and seal the deal. One then clinches the stomach muscles, forcing the air back out into the local atmosphere with a loud farting noise.
He bent down to listen for buffalo, the air surged into his anus and then roared back out with fury.
by Unkleslam January 21, 2022
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