The initial euphoric furor over the new MS music player Zune. One has gone looney zunes when getting excited over the advertising and rushing out to purchase it, seeing that most of the bugs have yet to be worked out.
A couple of friends go over to one of the big chain electronics stores and on the big screen TV a Zune ad is playing. They then see another customer staring at the ad.

"Uh oh."
"Look at him."
"Oh man. He's gonna go for it. He's Looney Zunes. He's gonna plunk down and buy one."
by RogueSun November 30, 2006
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When an entire class of devices stops working simultaneously.

Named after the infamous zune outage of December 31s 2008 where 30Gb zunes the world over spontaneously turned into bricks.
All of the MyFirstPony musical picture frames zuned out when the company website went down.
by laprice January 2, 2009
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A board where a bunch of losers define things on Urban Dictionary.

They also like to use Zunes and hate the iPod touch for good reasons.
Everyday shoutbox...

<Person1> Haha insert username isn't defined yet
<Person2> (zomg face)
<Person3> (>8|)
<Person4> Zune Boards ! I need help with mah zoon
by caekpieh March 7, 2010
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An imitation of something already existing, but is in a lesser form and obviously copying the already existent thing. Can be used for people or things. Used when comparing 2 things Zune to Ipod because the Zune is a mp3 player from microsoft that is obviously trying to be apple's ipod which is already very popular and successful.
Bob has a catch phrase that is "hey whats a happenin in a here." Andy then tried to have a catch phrase that said "hey everybody, how ya doin?" You could say that Andy's catch phrase is the zune to its ipod (its meaning bob's)
by wordman234 April 6, 2011
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A booby prize or screw up based on the scatalogical imagery evoked by the shape, color, and name of a popular MP3 player.
"The incumbents got a Brown Zune during the last election"
"Accounting pulled a Brown Zune during the presentation"
"He screwed up so he's get'n a Brown Zune for Christmas"
by Andy Carol December 4, 2006
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A forum where Zuners aka Microsoft fanbois hand out.
Hi, Bob did you see the new article on Zune Boards?
by aduck May 23, 2010
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when one owns a zune and is not using it and his friend asks for it repeatedly
Zune Whore.hey can i use your zune
Zune Owner. nah im gonna use it pretty soon
Zune Whore. please
Zune Owner. no
Zune Whore. comon
Zune Owner. your such a zune whore here you go so stfu
by mink mysta December 31, 2008
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