You just fucking looked up Two Men in one Cat in hopes to watch a cat being raped by two men what the fuck are you doing with your life
by swagmeansecretlywearegay September 26, 2019
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How a Native American askes someone if they had seen his drinking buddies.
(speaking in native accent) Hey there have you seen those two one guys? We need to go get us some Budweiser.
by sleeBall September 30, 2006
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Inane phrase uttered by many people when testing microphones.
Testing, testing, one two, one two. Yeah I think it's working.
by Lambchops November 24, 2004
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A reference to the crazy popular smartphone game Angry Birds, this is a modern version of killing "two birds with one stone," meaning solving multiple problems with a single solution.
Friend 1: I just invented THC Beer, so now we can get drunk and high on the same substance!

Friend 2: Way to kill two pigs with one bird!
by smokina fatone August 11, 2011
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An overly bubbly or dramatic person; one who is highly energetic.

"She is just two Pepsis in one bottle."
Wow - she was talking a mile a minute!
Yeah, she's two Pepsis in one bottle.
by xcv123 December 13, 2014
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