The best damned country in the world. if you disagree then your either badly educated or just dumb. If you lived in some other country and said something bad about it you probably would be shot. At least here you can say what you want. Here you can dress however you want and worship any religion you want.Here you can laugh at what you want to laugh at and say what you want to say. This is THE country where you can make something of yourself and be free. Sure i admit the country has some problems and has made mistakes in the past but which country hasnt? If your an American than you should be proud of where you live if, you dont, use your freedom to leave and GET THE FUCK OUT!!!!! Terrorists misunder stand America and judge it by the actions of some people. hey who Brought food to somolia, who saved countless lives when the tidal wave hit resently, who beat the taliban out of Afghanistan, who beat the shit out of the Nazis over in Germany, who freed the slaves in the south and who is leading the fight against AIDS and other deseases, hard working AMERICANS dedicated to saving lives thats who! GOD BLESS AMERICA AND ALL ITS ALLIES!!!!!!!!!!!!
Terrorists fight us because they think where polluting the world with corruption and from there piont of view it looks true but in the long run america is saving the world from alot of harship and they should respect all that America has done for them like supply them to beat out the soviets in Afghanistan. The best way to combat this is education and they should learn more about us before they try to kill us, if they dont believe me and want a fight then they sure as hell are going to get one and we wont lose.
by Paul April 26, 2005
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The most wicked, awful, and horrible country in the history of the world. America claims to be the land of freedom and democracy, despite it being a warmongering oligarchy whos propaganda brainwashed millions. It is an imperialist nation that has been fucking over the middle east for decades, and it's own natives and minority populations for decades (via genocide, unjust laws, etc). It also had a hate boner for communism
Thomas Jefferson, one of the men who helped create the united states of America, said in a speech all men are created equal. While at the same time he owned slaves
by Dr.Quackers September 8, 2020
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A country with citizens who take themselves and their country way too seriously.

Most people will agree that a country is only a symbol and that what it entitles is its population. And what is "population"? A group of diverse human beings.
What makes the United States different from Belgium? Very little. Its policies and laws may be slightly different, and some cultural and traditional aspects are obviously original to each country.
But apart from that, very little seperates them both. Or from any other country for that matter. Our needs and desires are the same.

So why on Earth are so many people debating the topic?!? Many Americans seem to puff themselves up by imagining that the whole world despises them and is continuously plotting either against them, or at least thinking evil thoughts about them.
Think. Again.
I've lived in Asia, Europe and the US. My father is African and my mother European, and I grew up in a French system. I've been surrounded by different people from different cultures since birth.

I can promise you: we aren't continuously fretting about Americans.The only time we really discuss them is when we read the paper or watch TV, ie through the media, and we only really ponder the effects the government's ideas will have on other countries. There isn't any American-bashing.

Therefore please stop victimizing your nation or yourselves. Nobody (in the Western world, in any case) really, sincerely, cares.
US citizen: Why does the whole world hate the United States of America? We haven't done anything wrong!
European: Umm... no. Not the whole world. The only European you'll find bashing the States is an immature adolescent who needs to sound clever by hating some political figure, and doesn't read the paper so picks the only country he/she knows a little about.
by Rousseau October 1, 2006
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Normally reffered to as " 'Murica ", it is a country that is unable to mind it's own business, even though it has plenty of problems of it's own. It's inhabitants are described as large, unintelligent, gun-wielding, unemployed racists who make hourly visits to McDonalds. These creatures detest being spied on by the NSA, with the main reason being that they don't want the government to see them watching porn. Speaking of governments, theirs sucks.
The United States of America needs to get its shit together.
by Cassie Moner July 15, 2013
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Undeniably the best country on the planet. Americans enjoy many rights that most other countries don't have. It sickens me to hear the conspiracy theorists and "non-conformists" complain about the corruption and problems with the United States. If it's so bad, then just leave and stop complaining. I mean those people would obviously rather be as far away from the United States as possible instead of living here. Apparently the worst country in the world allows you to bitch and moan as much as you want, keeps you from going hungry, and keeps you safe from people who threaten our freedom. Try finding that in the Middle East and tell me how it goes.

This isn't meant to bash other countries but the citizens of the U.S. that take the freedoms presented to them for granted every day of their lives.
Non-conformist: This country is filled with corruption and hate in the government, and it's holding me down. We live in a horrible country.

Me: Then why don't you leave the United States of America?

Non-conformist: "..."

by Petey B. August 13, 2007
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The greatest country in the world. Led by the worst president ever. Land of the free, home of the brave.
And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free... United States of America.
by Lil Dyl Boii December 16, 2015
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