A person who will cut you up just to steal the laces from your shoes. The person will resemble a homeless man.
man 1 Hey what happened to your shoes, were are your laces
man 2 I ran into the Gibby Stabber, he took my money and my shoe laces.
by gibby stabber January 23, 2010
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Step 1. Shit on a plate
Step 2. Place shit in freezer
Step 3. Remove frozen shit from freezer
Step 4. Stab someone with frozen shit
Step 5. Fuck the hole you created with the frozen shit

Thus making you a shit stabber.
by raahazaaa September 30, 2010
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A pickle chugger or a stool pusher. Also, a real prick.
That poo stabber just cut me off!
by Moses G January 14, 2004
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My asshole cat that will hospitalize anyone who is of the male gender
Friend: Hows your cat been
Me: you mean ball stabber?
by Your local tsundere January 19, 2021
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A homo. One who partakes in anal sex with man ass.
Bob is a keister stabber.
by dizzleshizzlenizzle November 19, 2007
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the fag that brings a knife to a fist fight and cuts girls in redding ca.
Also know as a faggot ass retard!
Zack! AKA Smalls is a stabber guy
by cackleface February 2, 2009
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Gay person or one who gives anal sex. Also a person who surprises you from behind with thier penis.
"Get away from me you god damn gay back stabber"
by Cookie March 9, 2005
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