Gay person

A human... that's it, really doesn't matter that they're gay.
by SMALLCHILDE February 24, 2021
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gay person

Oh frick there's a gay person in my mirror
by 🥲I miss 2006🥲 March 11, 2023
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Gay person of Bollywood

Canadian actor Akshay kumar is gay of bollywood...From being a gay icon to his mother in law thinking him as a gay..No one is as gayish as him..Some people also call him Chakki .
Do u know who is Gay Person of Bollywood sleeping with these days. .Kjo.
by Wickedmind July 6, 2019
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Gay person syndrome

Gay person syndrome is when a gay person finds out about another previously thought to be straight persons gayness and is instantly attracted to them because of it.
“Just found out karen is gay. I think i have a crush on her”

“Oh no, it’s just gay person syndrome. Probably”
by milquetoastfiend November 18, 2019
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