An undefined streak like stain on floors, carpets or upholstered furniture
We have to renovate the office, especially the carpets with all that poodle-scooch on it.
by The_Architect July 29, 2016
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An undefined streak like stain on floors, carpets or upholstered furniture
We have to renovate the office, especially the carpets with all that poodle-scooch on it.
by The_Architect July 29, 2016
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The thing that dogs do
Dave had an itch so he gooch scooched to the bedroom
by Thatskaterkid August 3, 2022
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An action. When a female squats and places her vagina over the mouth and nose of a male. This forces him to breathe and only smell her vajayjay. She will only lift enough so he doesn't suffer asphyxiation.
Phil-Baby I've wanted you so bad all night.

Lilly-Oh don't you worry ya sick fuck. Mama has had these panties on all day. Not only will you smell this pussy you are going scooch snorkeling
by Wang dang period finger bang January 31, 2023
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When someone is trying to get something off you all the time by being rude.
"Hey Tony, I heard you just got paid."
"I just gave you 20 bucks last week, you really scooch my balls!"
by December 30, 2022
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AGH, for FUCK'S sake Scooch, stop eating the mud you stupid prick!!!
by chad smithings March 4, 2023
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