When a woman is promised to get dick down ahead of time so she can get ready such as (Getting A Babysitter Lubrication Booking Hotels etc.)
P*** stars are experts at Dick Scheduling
by EmJayee January 30, 2019
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A piece of paper that determines where an employee will be and when.
My secretary schedules whores to come to my house and fuck me. I'm so good with women I don't even have to go out to meet them. My social skills were cripples at birth but I can still talk my way into a girl's pants. So long as someone calls them, adds them to the schedule of the group home I have to live in because ime retarded, and tell them that I'm exempt from the rules regarding molesting the mentally disabled clients. You could try to claim they aren't whores but unless they just aren't getting paid for a shift they took and agreed to take to go sit on a fat retard cock then they are getting paid to fuck a retard. I mean at the end of the shift it's $50 and that's about exactly as much as it costs for a half and half from a prostitute. It can't be a coincidence.
by Hym Iam December 4, 2020
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On February 29th, wake up an hour earlier than normal, and then sleep an hour earlier than normal.
Tomorrow is Leap Schedule Day.
by godlylaundrymachine May 14, 2022
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Today July 12th is the day you will schedule an interview and then not show up, as a way to communicate with the world your pride in being an unprofessional, unemployable jerk
"Oh, Happy National Don't Answer at Your Scheduled Time Day! I'm so glad you decided not to observe this holiday, and feel we can be the best of friends."
by elemenopeeeee July 12, 2022
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something that no one actually follows…
Me: did you finish your homework yet?
Friend: no… but it’s on my daily schedule!
by berrylea December 3, 2021
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A particularly work schedule defined by a high degree of remote/telecommuting, flex time, and having considerably fewer working hours than the universally accepted 40-hour work week. The name comes from workers generally wearing (bath) robes during their working hours, since they're often conducting business from home.

Popularized mostly by developers, writers, and other professionals who are able to work remotely and do not require to be physically present in order to do their jobs, and who also generally produce no more than 4-5 hours of creative work per day.

Famous examples of people on the Robe Schedule include: Stephen King, Hugh Hefner, Tim Ferris, and several others.
Edward's performance has clearly improved since hopping on a robe schedule last year.

I dream of the day when I can get on a robe schedule and stop going to these endless, pointless meetings!
by Snedward March 15, 2019
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