Basically a fat mf who constantly uses cringe, unfunny memes in real life such as big chungus. They will typically weigh over 400 lbs and have a neckbeard. Also they smell of dog shit that has been fermenting in the sun for 10 months.

Politically, they are far left and always shill for Joe Biden despite the fact he is a kid sniffer. Redditors also actively promote and participate in discussions surrounding degeneracy such as porn, feminism, communism and LGBTQ+.

Any opinion that opposes the general reddit hive mind will be downvoted and you will probably get banned.
Person 1: Hey bro did you see that fat guy who just walked passed us, he was wearing a big chungus hoodie and a keanu reeves baseball cap.

Person 2: Yes I did, he is a Fat Redditor.
by It's over tbh April 25, 2021
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The small indents on your knees acquired after a large amount of time on the toilet
I started getting redditor's knee at around the 30-minute mark
by Zac_c__ July 1, 2015
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When someone bullies you for not liking Fortnite but is still retarded
Justin: michael, shut the fuck up, youre acting like the cringey 12 year olds you fucking Reverse Redditor
by Crudin June 2, 2020
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A Redditor is a person who uses Reddit, a social media app, and believes every meme is from Reddit. They also consider themselves superior, are emojiphobic, love star wars/anime, Keanu Reeves and Minecraft. They refer to themselves as dank because they use Reddit, and call those who don't normies.
A Redditard is an alternate name to the aforementioned person.
Guy 1: *sees a meme post on Instagram captioned only with an emoji* OH GOD, THIS IS SO NORMIE! PROBABLY STOLEN FROM REDDIT!

Guy 2: Such a typical Redditor, or might I say, Redditard!
by termaq August 29, 2020
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The hands of an obese person. Puffy and sausage fingered. Typically seen in a photo of them holding something and asking about it.
Though the sandwich was a normal size, it was dwarfed by the user's redditor hands.
by Word puncher August 20, 2023
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The person that spends all of their free time on Reddit and earns the most gold or platinum. They are the top of the Reddit food chain.
Thanks for the gold/platinum! You can call me the apex redditor.
by Dreamscape009 July 7, 2022
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A person who uses Reddit but their exact view point on Females is unknown.
Sandra: Isn't weird how a Male Redditor would make a meme about how girls are boring and boys are quirky, but then post about how they don't have a girlfriend the next day?

Nicole: Weird indeed.
by ThunderThighsThorton August 8, 2020
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