A pie, designed specifically for the southern shandy drinking ponce.
by guru July 17, 2003
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A unit of measurement that can encompass anything, and any breadth. Anything you can possibly conceive of can be used on the quiche-o-meter, however the most commonly used scales range from David Hasselhoff to Chuck Norris (or any other kind of b-grade actor, or washed up star you can think of).

The idea of the universal Quiche-O-Meter was first conceived by a group of Melbournian Uni students who came to the realisation that their cafe served quite shocking quiches. This in turn led to the realisation that anything in the world can be defined as good or bad when compared to different types of quiches as well as to different types of actors. i.e. Chuck Norriss will score higher than David Hasselhoff, but William Shattner will score higher again.
by Pamela March 3, 2005
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Written on the top of Oasis bottles. It meams to put a quiche in someones bum.
Man: ooooo quiche me babyyyy!!
by whayyyy November 2, 2011
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A male or female, who thinks there hot (but there not). Thinks they are top shit and are good at everything. News for them..... theyre up themselves. They are probably inbread and usually have divorced parents. Or have a parent with an alcohol or drug problem.
The fucking Quiche walked in strutting her Bcup and fat thighs around the room.....We all laughed behind her back.
by Jeremy Heslop March 6, 2008
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When something is so hot that it is past the level of scrumptious and hot so it’s Quiche
by Baby_babyy June 6, 2019
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Adjective that means hotter than hot.

The word originates from Australian comedian Chris Lilley’s satire “Ja’mie Private School Girl”.
Girl 1: Have you seen Jordan’s glow up?
Girl 2: yeah, he’s become hotter than hot.

Both girls: *agreeing* yeah, he’s become so quiche
by Space invader January 24, 2022
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