n. The way a nigger broda pronnounces the word "player". It refers to girls who use to engage in several (sexual) relationships at the same time; even though they have "steady" ones. The term seems to have a spanish origin. See also: tramp, slut.
Silvia is ugly, but she is such a playa.
by El Mercenario November 28, 2003
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a phrase used by the coolest of the cool to describe joy when finding an item that they thought they had misplaced or lost; greeting for a fine playa
-Mom, I can't find my jeans.
-They are in the washing machine.
by deeEMM July 26, 2007
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The act or state of being a legit playa. A person that can’t be topped. They are the best at whatever they do. They got it all. Not your average pimp.
by October 7, 2020
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Pretty much a player. but a girl. it's a because it is feminie. it is a girl not exactley a slut but one who has many boyfriends and moves on very quickly.
"what i thought it was nick?"
"nope.. what a playa"
by CBIZZLE February 22, 2012
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To have an aura about yourself that projects Confidence and Charisma. Not having multiple women. Carrying yourself with style and respect. Everything you do is noticed and admired. Playa-made individuals are severely envied and hated on. It is not something that you can try to adopt to your style.You Must be born Playa-made or raised playa-made.
" Oh so you think your a playa?" It aint even like that.. Im just Playa made"

by Phil Sutton June 28, 2006
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(exclamation, informal) A term used to encourage a Player (someone who is highly skilled at playing people, games, situations, etc.) to continue to play. Equal to "Keep up the good work!"
- Dude, you have a girlfriend for every day of the week. Play on, Playa!
- You scored the most points in the last home game. Play on, Playa!
- I see that your swag is superior to everybody else in this club... Play on, Playa!
by beautiflyb June 5, 2017
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A condition that is acquired at Burning Man. Much dust is inhaled into the lungs, and then settles in and sets up camp and does not leave. The patient typically does not experience the most highly unpleasant symptoms during the actual Burning Man event, due to partying distracting from the condition. Playa Lung can cause coughing and congestion for months after Burning Man. This condition is worsened if the patient is a smoker. This condition is most successfully diagnosed when the patient's Primary Care Physician is a Burner. In fact, if you think that you might have Playa Lung, you should make sure your doctor is a Burner. If he/she is not, you should find a new doctor. A Burner Doctor.
"Please excuse the horrible mucussy coughing - I participated in Burning Man seven months ago and still have Playa Lung."
by Uno Ojo January 3, 2015
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