Premature balding found in test tube babies.
I went to the doctor and discovered that not only was I a test tube baby, but that this would cause me to develop glass pattern baldness by the time I am 23.
by itsthatbradguy July 13, 2010
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To be wearing very tight clothing. Comes from the current tread for girls to wear tight fitting clothes, such that you can see the lace pattern on their bra and/or thong.

Man, her pants were so tight, I could see the lace pattern.

Yeah, her dress style is extreme business provocative, you can see the lace pattern.

Hooters waitresses have to abide by their dress code, which is "see the lace pattern".
by ConMuchoGusto June 16, 2006
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An affliction suffered by both men and women, however most often by men. It is marked by an enthusiastic penchant for assigning certain bad habits as something women do, and inexplicably not noticing it when men do the same thing in the same frequency.
(in the car)

Brad: OMG! Get off the phone lady! Freakin women always have their cell phones out!

Marla: Brad, you txt and drive all the time. That guy over there is talking on the phone. And the guy next to us is also texting. Everywhere I go there's a dude talking on a cell phone. I can't walk anywhere on my college campus without being stuck behind both girls AND guys on the phone.

Brad: (*snort*) Na-ah!

Marla: You have a bad case of Male Pattern Blindness.
by YouKnowItIsTrue November 19, 2011
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oddly enough ordinary human patterns.
we are not special only special through the make up of our consciousness.
She was getting used to him. His different ways. His quirks. In all potential madness there were ordinary human patterns and behaviours like insecurity. jealousy. admiration. respect. mistrust. desire. loathing. they were there. only disguised with wit, humour, delusion. playful or sincere. they were getting to know each other.
by Krkič November 7, 2020
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When a man with prolific body hair shaves his pubes, and only his pubes leaving a hairless patch localized around his genitalia whilst remaining otherwise hirsute.
I shaved off my short-curlies, now it looks like I've got Gigolo Pattern Baldness!
by Bubert Samson May 1, 2013
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When someone makes (and continually makes) refrences from one story/game/media while using another, in an attempt to impress everyone with their knowledge.
Phrase comes from the event in Star Wars:Empire Strikes Back, on Hoth when the Rebel Alliance takes down the AT-ATs using simple tow and cable tactics.
Tom made an Aattack Pattern Delta when he tried to related our paintball strategy to the strategy of a video game.
by snachodog November 25, 2005
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Most often found in boys and men, it is the habit of exerting the least amount of effort and energy to accomplish a task, usually unsuccessfully.
Older Sister: Did you finish writing your resume for that job application?
Younger Brother: Yeah, here it is.
Older Sister: This is a mess.
Younger Brother: I couldn't find a good template, so I just made one up.
Older Sister: Um, well, here's a bunch I found on Google. Why was that so hard?
Younger Brother: It's not my fault, I have Male Pattern Laziness

Magazine Headline: Why Do Guys Date Skanks?
Reader 1: Can you believe they spent three pages on this?
Reader 2: That's three pages too many just to explain Male Pattern Laziness.
by Jellobelle June 1, 2012
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