A way used by the government to try and train kids to die in a school shooting without being too obvious
Lockdown drills
“This is a way used by the government to try and train kids to die in a school shooting without being too obvious”
by Soviet 7k on October 12, 2023
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When girls in a sorority are on no booze, no boys and have to only hang out with other girls.
This week is initiation week so i'm on lesbian lockdown.
by VegasnameBrandy November 2, 2010
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Someone who craves tighter restrictions or harsher lockdowns. Often ignored the stay at home message and goes outside to see if others are following the lockdown. Uses social media to bully and intimidate anyone who disagrees with their opinion
by Roundforagoodtime February 1, 2021
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When you recall an event to have happened a year ago, when in actual fact it happened two years ago
“remember our trip to spain last year
“that was two years ago, we were in lockdown last year”
“must be the lockdown effect
by Addiscum June 13, 2021
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staying in your house rather than going out to party in order to get a long homework assignment finished
He's in Mandarin homework lockdown learning to count to 100 by tomorrow.
by RockerHZ September 30, 2011
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A person who loves Quarantine, and never wants Life to go back to normal/ as it was pre-March 2020
John: Hey Andrew, have you seen our Country is finally re-opening!

Andrew: What!? No!? I loved Quarantine, I never want it to end!

John: Oh Andrew, I didn't know you were a Lockdown Addict
by troyr November 13, 2020
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Where one usually has outstanding hair but due to being on lockdown, unable to leave the house and the barbers shut. Measures have to be taken to keep the fresh ass look you solely crave.
Yo Doogie! this Lockdown got my mop a mess man!.

Now then Dave, get yourself The Lockdown Do on the go, you'll look fresh as shit!
by sneaky89 March 29, 2020
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