a man called Jack Mortan who has a big noes and wears a little cap on his head.
" hey look its a jack gay Jewish noes man."
by the secret man February 1, 2021
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A phrase used by many people on online forums used to tell the other person (usually a little kid) that nobody really gives a shit about using or not swear words. The number 1 and lack of grammar are often added as a way of sarcasm towards them and their n00bness.
Kiddie 1: "d@mn i h8 dis gaem!1!11!1 is really crud!!1!1!!1111!
Person 2: "DAMN, SHIT, Oh noes i sworez on teh interwebz!1!"

Kiddie 2: "forking life no one luvs dis piz of doodo :("
Person 4: "FUCKING, SHITLESS MORON!!! Oh noes I sworez on teh interwebz!1!"
by jrriojase48 February 20, 2010
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a mix between the word 'no' and 'toes'
person 1: do you want any toes?

person 2: noes!
person 1: oh, no toes then :(
by word maker <3 August 3, 2021
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a fancy way to say no to prove all them butches your better
Noe you can’t sit with us cunt.
by hotbbbccccc September 29, 2017
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Noe is sarcastic and funny as heck. Hes really smart and caring. Dude is also really tall like he could dress up as a giraffe and pass for it! Noe is amazing!!
Wow did you see Noe and his pet elephant
by Mitsyogo November 19, 2018
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