(first of all i am NOT racist i think that is HELLA gay)used by almost all races (though a litle excessive in some latino) to refer to as a friend or by some particularly stupid people, just to sound cooler around thier non-white friends. some african-americans WILL be offended, but in the last 5 years has lessend, and I do not see why as long as your not using it in a racial context right? or do i just not understand cause im white. but i have black friends and most of the time i have no idea if they are cool with a whitey saying it but i still say it i have no problem, if they choose to take it offensively and talk a bunch of shit, then i guess i wont hang out with them. but if used black to black it is fine. why? i dont know but most will be cool about white people sayin it and you know what this is kind of a joke but " if they wanna be called african-american, i wanna be called european american" lol but really why "african-american?" and if you will notice the black doesnt care wen the latino says nigga, i think they get mad to mess with our minds jk
black 2 black
A-wazzup ma nigga
B-not much wutz wich u nigga
(no reaction)

latino 2 black
A-ay mang, whats up nigga
B-not much wutz wich u nigga
(no reaction)

white 2 black
A-hey nigga, what is up with it
B-wud u say? u think after all u did u can still call me dat?(notice they said HE did it. WTF!)
(violent reaction)
by patman noldawg December 7, 2007
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The word 'Nigga' is a variation of the word 'nigger'. Yes, it was a bad thing in the past, used by white people to make themselves feel superior. But today, the word 'nigga' is used amongst african-americans in a positive manner. Some may say it's giving us an opportunity to bring segregation back, but that's not what it is at all. We've taken something negative, something that originally signified the 'lowliness' of African Americans, and turned it into something positive. Something that signifies the acceptance of African Americans amongst themselves.
"Hey, Nigga, what's up?"
"Nothin'. Gettin' ready to go shoot some hoops. Wanna come?"
"Yeah, let me get my coat."
(lame example)
by Baddy November 30, 2005
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point 1: fo shizzle my nizzle = for sure my nigga
point 2: if you say fo shizzle my nizzle nigga ther n u basically said for sure my nigga nigga
point 3: nigger is a term used for slaves and black people.
point 4: it should be okay to say the word nigga if it is used in a non-perogotive(non offensive) way.
by bladey2k November 17, 2007
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A word that nigga difines of the homie or friend that only black people can say.
black guy A: Wazz up nigga!!!
black guy B: Nun jus chillin wbu??/!!
by sharkgang mafia May 16, 2013
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a translation from the vietnamesse word "Nhi Pham Doung"
person 1: yo look at that nigga
person 2: yeah shes vietnamese
by THE MOUSE6457683683784 February 19, 2009
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A term that any body can use. Meaning brother, friend, homie. Not to be confused with the racial term nigger
by swagasaurus rexx April 16, 2015
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