70's movie in which a bunch of 30 year olds infiltrate a high school, and no-one is suspicious of this. The moral message of the film is that you should completely change your image and personality to hook up with hot guys.
Grease is a ridiculous movie, but always entertaining no matter how many times you watch it.
by rach1664 August 30, 2007
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1. The shortened term for a Greaser. Often used like a nickname.

2. A movie made in the 70's about a Square wanting to date a Greaser, staring John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John.

3. Oils from your hair when it hasn't been washed in a few days.

4. Lubricant used in a car to make sure nothing overheats.

1. "Thanks for the help Grease."

2. "Did you guys see Grease last night on VH1?"
"Yeah, it's been playing all month."

3. "Did you see Shebly's hair? It has all that grease in it."
"Looks like she doesn't wash her hair as often as she should."

4. "Did you grease up the car?"
"Sure did, boss."
by Mademoiselle Bettie Page August 10, 2006
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a word that means to do or wish something negative upon a person (mostly used in MoCo MD)
That boy knocked that boys lunch on the floor!
Thats so grease!
by GCMC23 September 10, 2008
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(1) when one becomes so intoxicated they cannot function properly. (2) When an individual is not feeling well, usually alcohol related, as in hung-over. (3) The act of getting heavily intoxicated
"I fell so greased!!"
"Let's get greased!"
by Thomas Hammer February 5, 2010
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When the semen in your hand rubs off on something.
I just rubbed my semen on that arm chair, GREASED!
by Loganhateschina February 19, 2011
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To moisten tobacco leaf with saliva.
I'll grease the blunt, while you breakup the weed.
by PriddyPrice January 21, 2017
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Used as a slang for being under the influence of Oxycontin. When your smoking Oxy off of foil the flame leaves a black film which once your hands touch and you get high you smear on your face and resembles someone who has grease on their face.
Yo man imma get greased today! You got greased today huh still got shit on your face bro...
by Crazed Donkey December 28, 2011
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