Also known as Martin Bell Syndrome or FXS
A genetic disorder which makes the X chromosome enlarged therefore fragile. People with FXS are often autistic but not all of the people with fxs are autistic. Fragile X often causes intellectual disability. They have a distinct appearance These features include a long and narrow face , large ears, a prominent jaw and forehead, unusually flexible fingers, flat feet , and in males, enlarged testicles (macroorchidism) after puberty.
The odds of having fragile x syndrome is 1 in 7,000 in males and 1 in 11,000 in females
by Nammity March 3, 2022
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A mix between fragile and majestic.
My body became very fragilic after practicing yoga with the donkey down the street.
by Fragrilica October 10, 2020
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Fancy and majestic. “Hello Mary,your dress is looking fragilic today!”
My writing is looking very fragilic after I practiced with the donkey down the street yesterday!!!
by Fragrilica October 10, 2020
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A slang word for perfect or excellent
Boy: It’s docious-ali-expi-istic-fragil-cali-repus ...

Girl: Uh, what? Is that the word supercalifragilisticexpialidocious backwards?

Boy: Yeah. I’ve just learned it from my best friends.
by bluestinger66 July 30, 2022
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him: why is she like that?
me: she has fragiles
by Emsraven July 1, 2019
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Something in danger of falling apart, even if not easily or right away.
He would call things fragile from behind the curtain, and Charlene the female Chucky doll would tell everyone how she was suprisingly not fragile and not to let this or that about her fool you or cause you to underestimate her (when in reality most people that didn't know her well or hadn't known her long thought she looked tough), but there were always some things a few people just knew, even if they weren't obvious to most.
by The Original Agahnim November 18, 2021
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Something that is described as ‘fragile’ means that the object must be handle with care. See delicate
When a person is described as ‘fragile’ it means that the person is extremely important to you in some way, or it could just be that you’re a dick and you’re calling them weak to hide your insecurities about your own strength.
The boxes that were delivered claimed that the contents inside were fragile.
Lucy is a very fragile person
by TheDaddyBadgerFace December 2, 2018
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