When you need to hit the toilet most likely a big #2
Tami: wow Im stuffed! Cant eat another bite..
Gina: yea that was some good sushi
Tami: G, Ill be back Ive gotta go do a File Download

****Moments /mins later***
Tami returns.
Gina: So how'd it go?
Tami: lets order some more sushi!
by The.Sniper June 7, 2016
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A file dump is a when you have been saving unused video clips on your camera/sd card for no reason and then run out of space foret new videos so you put all the clips into one video and will upload it to the internet.
Jason uploaded his first file dump to give space for new better content
by LeoCantPvP October 18, 2016
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A term used when you stalk someone on a social media website.
I'll need to do a complete file review on her before I ask her out.
by Creamy Ice September 20, 2013
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The enlisted troops, excluding officers and leaders. This term comes from military usage, men marching in ranks (e.g. Private, Sergeant) and in files (e.g. single file)
Now I'm standing with the rank and file, I'm marching with the underground, our black hearts worn on our sleeves. Rank-n-File - Anti-Flag
by PunkRockerKodi February 25, 2009
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A place to store, whether in the mind or actually in your phone/blackberry the name/contact info of a very attractive person that you want to have sex with that has not yet reached the legal age of consent.
"I know Parker is only 16, but he is so freakin' hot...I gotta put him in my tickler file and hit that when he turns 18!!"
by Hurtt January 18, 2009
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BOMB represents the acronym for "Beat Off Mental Bank." In other words, the images u have in your mind for inspiration during masturbation.
(Two friends at a pub having a drink & checking out the ladies)

Guy #1: "Check out that girl over there in the black shirt."
Guy #2: "Already in my BOMB file, dude."
by JT Amish August 9, 2009
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When you are eating cheeseburgers in bed, and decide to save one for later, where ever you place it, becomes the cheeseburger file. File a cheeseburger under "C" for cheeseburger.
Where are you putting that cheeseburger?
I'm putting it in the cheeseburger file, so I can find it later.
by Full Court December 29, 2011
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