To say 'sup' by throwin out your 2 fingers in a sort of sideways peace sign. Used for all forms of greeting, i.e goodbye, hello, c ya, nice to meet you...
by jmay May 22, 2004
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Takin' a shit,doing a number 2
Damn Rich, you been in the bathroom for 20 mins now and it stinks in there,you must be droppin a duce
by ItalianAudi December 1, 2007
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Another way to say bye and I'm out.
You ma'am are a funky ass bieioch, Duces and tailights ho!
by Un10nCarb1d4 April 23, 2015
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(v). 1. the act of coming across a conflict and choosing to ignore it and avoid it until a solution is no longer sought

Stop Ken-Duceing
by Pettities+BLJ March 24, 2014
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Comrade Benito Mussolini (the greatest dictator of Italy)'s nickname.
Meglio una dittatura che offre lavoro e condizioni di vita per gli italiani che una democrazia che non serve ad un cazzo, viva il Duce!”

-“It's better to have, as a form of government, a dictatorship that offers work and good life conditions for the Italian people than a pretty much useless democracy, viva il Duce!”
by RickyBaobab April 28, 2019
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to throw up a peace sign, to give props or say whats up. Or to say goodbye, or to get some ones attention.
chunk duce.
by mike jones March 31, 2004
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