I ain't gonna chase you bad boy duces
by Boaz777 March 23, 2022
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a nigga that’s bitchmade he wants to be GD but he’s not
have you heard of Duce?

yea he’s a punk
by Eddxv November 24, 2019
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duce berrie is a spin off douche berry and is commonly spelled this way only to imply there in a semi British accent used when used as an insult. The insult its self is used to refer to something or some one that is acting in a childish immature irresponsible of unacceptable way.

The saying can also be used to describe lint caught between the labia but is less often used in this fashion.

note this phrase is also the same as douche bag.
Jesus becca lay off my mothers crackers your being such a duce berrie.


Derek stop being a duce berrie im trying to pee.
by the weird guy with the nose January 2, 2010
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The act of relieving one’s bowls in a violent explosion after a night of drinking and White Castle.
Damn bro, last night was rough, I woke up and had to Duce A Loosey before I could do anything else.
by Little Mrs Bish August 28, 2022
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See you later' or 'I'm out
While exiting any space inhabited by teens: "I had a great day with you, duces pot pie, I'm out."
by yupshedid March 18, 2011
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big six wheeled truck used by the military, also called a 6 by later to be replaced by the 7 ton
hey Corpral where is the duce and a half? you know that big pos gunny want me to take to the flight line and pick up the new boots in!
by roughriddingcleatus March 12, 2011
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