Someone who act like a idiot or homo
Billy is a Doosh Tool
by C March 7, 2003
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When a male goes up behind a female and slowly scoops her ass with two or three fingers.
Brandon: "Yesterday I saw this girl, so slamming!"

Nick: "Yeah?"

Brandon: "I went up to her and ska-dooshed her!"

Nick: "Hi five!"
by Foxryder April 23, 2009
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a person who goes a step beyond brown nosing
jamie was a doosh bag slurper, sucking up to the boss.
by thomas kondo February 10, 2009
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The slobber coming out the corner of a dog's mouth when it falls on the floor into a puddle of of its own heavily accumulated drool. The texture is very thick and gummy and often may have bits and pieces of dog chow in it.
Any dog movie that you may have seen on your television, movie-screen, or otherwise...
by Canaan Radcliffe February 10, 2005
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a person who somehow manages faggotry and dooshiness all at the same time.
"wow. what a doosh fag"
by April 1, 2009
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An idiotic, stupid or foolish person
Don't be such a god damn doosh box!
by JonnyKewl August 5, 2020
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A strange sound often heard coming from the mouths of IT girls. Paris Hilton is a master doosha.
SNAPPER 1: Paris over here…
SNAPPER 2: Ms Hilton, eyes to me..
SNAPPER 3: Paris to your left. Over-your-shoulder-smoulder..
PARIS: Dooooossshhh
by Hollie Doosh April 27, 2009
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