An acronym for "Douche in Progress".

1. Someone under the age of 18 who is a douche either because they is influenced by other douches or because that's just who they are.

2. Someone who is borderline douche
1. Hey, did you see that seventh grader over there? He's a total dip.

2. Wow, Jerry is starting to become a real ass. He's shaping up to be a dip.
by CONQUISTADOR99 February 13, 2011
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to leave or go to another place with 1 or more other people.

to dip atleast 1 person must stay be hind
the boys were tired of hanging out with there grounded freind so they decided to dip
by thbt May 9, 2009
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a spot or hideout,a hidden place
Man 1: where can we shoot dice without gettin harassed by the cops
Man 2: i got a dip around the corner we could use
by $murf April 3, 2006
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"i could take you outta this world, baby lets dip"
by edwardooo October 1, 2006
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