An intense beast of a comedian who is my future hubbay. Needs to be shrined and bowed down to every day.
He puts the FUN in FUNNY.
Hes the Elvis to comedy and I dont care what people say he is amazing!
And shouldnt be referred to anything but Daney Waney <3
Boy: Ew that Dane Cook guy isnt even funny.
Girl: Dont chu mess with Daney Waney or I'll go all Zohan on yo ass!
by Ms. Cook December 20, 2008
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Dane Cook's Disease, or DCD, is neurological disorder where a person takes on the attributes of actor/comedian Dane Cook. Symptoms include: overexateration of one's movements and speech, beginning every sentence with the words "And everyone does this, right?" and telling long, pointless stories with no punchlines.
Bob: Did you see that guy over there? He was exagerating that really long, unfunny story.

Dave: It looks like he probably suffers from Dane Cook's Disease.
by C Miller July 3, 2008
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dane cook a joke of a comedian is terrible and i like gonorrhea more than dane cook
dane cook sucks,
wana hear a joke? dane cook
by abrocar February 11, 2009
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A very low status which means that you are a faggot and you honestly cannot fall any lower unless you rape a kitten and say it was the most fun you ever had, in which case you become acquire Furry status. In order to get this status, you must fail miserably. Dane Cook Status is a terrible thing and you should laugh at how much whoever has it sucks.


Successfully become an hero and you will raise your status from a guy made of fail and aids to a guy mad of win and greatness as well an icon for all an heroes to come.

People who have achieved Dane Cook Status:
Dane Cook
This guy:
Hillary Clinton

Guy made of win: I cured Cancer!

Guy made of greatness: I proved that the educational system is flawed!

Guy with Dane Cook Status: I disguised a bomb as a copy of one of Dane Cooks CDs, mailed it to my own house and blew everything up!!! I am made of WIN!!!!!!
by fgsfdsMASTER February 2, 2009
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Not to be confused with the very few people who can actually relate to and understand what Dane Cook is saying in his comedy routine.

75% of people who have listened to a dane cook cd, dvd, or have been to a Dane Cook event.

Mostly teenagers, females, and first-time listeners.

The girls all want to fuck him.

They can't understand half of the things he talks about, but he's their friend on myspace, and has over 2 million friends on myspace, so he is SOOO FUNNY!!!
Dane Cook: That Dane Cook is a silly bitch!!


BAMF: Do you even know what he said?

Dane cook fan: YEAH!! Uh, no, but.. HAHAHA!!!


Dane cook fan: Mommy, can I buy this dane cook CD??

"Mommy": No, it has the parental advisory sticker on it, so you should wait till you're 18.

Dane cook fan: But-but-but... (Cries) I'm going to go cut myself and listen to Fall Out Boy.
by voorheez January 13, 2008
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1. When an entertainer or public figure has a fan base that becomes so obnoxious, annoying and generally despised, that the entertainer or public figure becomes the object of scorn, ridicule and hate by the public, despite the fan base being the actual problem, not the entertainer or public figure
2. When a person, group, movement or thing gains such significantly high level of popularity, that it actually causes an equal and opposite reaction from the public creating a subculture of near equal popularity that hates the source of popularity
1. Despite suffering from The Dane Cook Effect, Insane Clown Posse managed to stay consistent and at least gain some respect from the public for their ability to understand merchandising and utilize a good marketing strategy.
2. Even though conservationism is practical and pragmatic, too many annoying self righteous douches contaminated the public image of conservation leading to The Dane Cook Effect causing people do the opposite out of spite.
by Gaiseric the Elder February 25, 2023
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In sexual intercourse a woman that keeps wanting to talk

about her day and is not focusing on doing a good job
"Hey Rick how was your new g.f"
"well i got a damn dane cook receiver.
by greg_heman88 June 14, 2011
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