Violent diarrhea resulting from eating fried calamari that's been sitting out too long on a Rhode Island beach.
by lxmatt August 20, 2020
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A person who makes a comback for the 69th time and says Watsup guys its scarce back with another DEFINITION cuz tis a fake acc mad3 by Syed cuz im kool fuk hsi sugarland the real one cuz hes trash and he sits behind a acreen talkin shit
Dang bro he made a comeback v69 tgis is getting old.
by HSI SugarIand September 30, 2018
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use when ur out of comebacks
Person 1. your mums sooo fat that when she do the tai chi she too slow.

Awsome comeback BELOW!!

Person 2. i have no comeback... coz i left all my cum back in ur mum!
by GSTR February 5, 2011
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1. A person who is notoriously known for many failed relationships in which the other person leaves.

2. A guy or girl who is known for coming back to win games after he or she has been beaten early in the game.
1. Person 1: Hey, did you hear that Jesse left Bobby?

Person 2: Yeah, that's the fifth girl that's left him

Person 1: He is such a comeback person

2. Person 1: Donna beat Danny again coming back at BS.

Person 2: such a comeback person
by scatback105 September 1, 2011
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The time period where you hear from your exes and old flings back to back or within the same month.
My ex texted me and then I ran into the guy that kept trying to hookup, so i guess it's comeback season.
by ScreaminEmo August 31, 2017
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A type of pathetic comeback that one uses when he/she is too stupid to think of anything else.

Person 1: Dude, you're gay.
Person 2: No, YOU'RE Gay.

Person 1: Haha. Nice hair.
Person 2: No, YOU have nice hair.
Person 1: You suck at making comebacks.
Person 2: No, you suck at making comebacks.
Person 1: Fucking Max Comeback....
by MaxIsSexy April 25, 2009
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When in an argument a person brings up something completely out of context that sounds like a good response or comeback in their head but is usually just out of the blue, usually isn't true, and completely irrelevant.
Oh God Tyson made another fucking Retard Comeback in the dm again. This time he said I'm bad a talking.
by Niggato 69 September 18, 2017
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