A word young british children from the age of 9 to 17 use to say if someone is going out with another person.
This word can also be associated with chavs.
Sam: Who's you checking blud?
Kaine: I'm checking Aimee she's proper peng ting ya get me fam!
by Bumbaclart 3000 December 14, 2018
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Computing: When you commit some computer programming code to a code repository. Technically incorrect and a confusion of the 2 computer SVN (SubVersioN) expressions "check out" (which makes a local copy of the code for modification) and "commit" (which places code and code changes in the repository making that and all previous versions available to other users)
Guy #1: My code is so awesome; the customer will want to have my babies.
Guy #2: Can't see that happening, but make sure you check it in anyway.
Guy #1: Code checked in. The turtle is happy.
Guy #2: Your code isn't the only thing that needs committing.
by Matthew1471 December 7, 2009
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When you are so fat that your chin and your neck converge into one.
Man, look at the Check on that no-neck fatty!
by God With a Heart of Oak September 1, 2010
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oh shit kid... im fresh outta boags you tryna let me get checks on that newy or what mah dood?
by houff December 12, 2007
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When a fuckboy periodically txt you or call you every other day or week to check in on how you are doing and if he feels that he is losing you to someone else, he will proceed to ask a bunch of questions to draw you back to him
Real man will always want to know what their woman is doing, to see how her day was and be there when she is having a bad day. Don't be that dick who check in on his girl every other day and pretend to be interested.
by YourBFsMainCheck July 29, 2017
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A cross-genre of Audio & Video. A style of music & video in which a microphone must be used to create effects in the song or video. Hip-Hop, Step, Break Beat, DJing, VJing, Video Art & Visual Art. Based & originated from the common mic check 1, 2, 3 i.e. "Check it 1 - 2 - 3", which later moved into early rap samples. The microphone can be used for anything except traditional singing. Check it! uses voice manipulation, feedback, beatboxing, voice sampling, instrument recording(meaning the instrument is not hardwired yet captured via the microphone).
A song in production records a sitar, a crunked up laugh, a guitar, breathing, a beat box sample, voice manipulation like eeeeuuuuuuwwwahhh eeesch, through a microphone. "Check it! Yo! We make Diesel out of home grown"
A dj uses a mic w/ effects to add texture over the mix.
A vj uses the audio from a mic to add visual effects through visualization software like G-force Goom and MilkDrop.
by silverlage October 29, 2008
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A check is the area of the body where the skin is flabby and fat and the chin morphs into the neck.
Look at he check on that dude... You don't know where his chin stops and his neck starts.
by Missspelled February 10, 2010
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