short for bug eyed
having dilated pupils due to being high on pills
dude, you look totally bugged
by Johnson Maximus May 9, 2005
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Staples on a document. Often the cause of jams when inserted into a scanner.
I hate when I see lots of bugs on my scanning work. I waste a lot of time with the staple remover, and it's cutting into my productivity!
by pentozali March 7, 2013
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Used to describe a vagina
"Dude check out that chick sitting across from us you can totally see her bug!"
by Zack Anheiser Busch November 27, 2011
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Bug is a great friend to have. They are trust-worthy, kind, caring, funny and loving. They may seem a little quiet at first but once you get to know them, their amazing personality shines. Bug is hard working and don't give up on the things they are passionate about. If you come across someone by the name of Bug you should become their friend, because that is a friendship that will last forever.
by Mr. TrashMan November 7, 2020
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Bug is a feminine boy who wears makeup and loves animals. He has the biggest heart for all living creatures. He can fall asleep in 10 seconds, and he will cook you the most delicious meal you have ever had in your life.
Person 1: "Someone fed that family of cats living in the bushes!"
Person 2: "It must have been Bug."
by GrassHopperCig November 3, 2022
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I was so ill the other day, i had a 24 hour bug
by HERB_SMURF April 5, 2021
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