A way of saying B***h but your trying not to swear.
Man that bish looks like trash.
Oh hi bish!
by Annoying perosn December 22, 2017
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Wonderful girl of absolute beauty, which permeates her entire being. She's the cutest. She's the best. She is your favorite thing. She's so nice and sweet and funny and loving and caring all the time. You're lucky to even know she exists.
I'm so happy to know and love you Bish
by Don'tNoeMee September 28, 2020
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Short term for bitch. Used when referring to close friends and often in situations where swearing is deemed inappropriate. Can also be used to acknowledge another persons frustration.
“Wanna video chat?”
“Go to bed bish. It’s 3am.”

“I failed that test.”
by D_hub August 5, 2021
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A female you respect enough to not call a bitch.
by BrookZoe91 November 14, 2019
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a nice way of saying bitch. The way you say bitch to your friends when you want to insult them.
Jorie is such a bish.
My sister took my phone. What a bish!
by Kristen_Stewert07 March 7, 2013
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"Bish whaaat"
by Pyun November 30, 2014
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A Retard slur for the english word Bitch. How a retarded person says bitch.
I'ma put you to sleep bish!
What the hell you lookin at bish?!
by Knight Ridah July 22, 2008
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