Something lame that unoriginal dickheads say to sound cool. It has the opposite effect & makes them sound like fuckwits
dickhead: Hey man, I'm so cool that I keep dropping rusty venture into conversation

poor guy having to listen to dickhead: You're a fuckwit!
by lickmyrim November 25, 2010
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A penis that is red and sore from masturbating too much.
Hank had the whole compound to himself for the day, so he decided to make himself a rusty venture.
by 1fooln6billion November 24, 2010
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When you jerk off so much your dick gets red and irritated
Sorry babe, not tonight. I gave myself a rusty venture.
by Phi4life November 22, 2010
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A "Rusty Venture" can be defined as masturbating so much your penis becomes sore and if skin tone is light enough it also becomes beet-red.
Chick: Oooh, I'm going to give you a "Rusty Venture"!

Brock: Don't believe the hype babe a Rusty Venture is where you beat your dick so much it turns red.

Chick: Really?
by HEYHEYHERRKOMMTALEX November 22, 2010
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when you masturbate so much, your dick gets all red and sore.
I just got a rusty venture from pleasuring myself for three hours straight last night.
by some random loser from kansas November 22, 2010
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Master bating until your dick is so raw and red that you can no longer get off.
Man, I really gave myself a Rusty Venture earlier and its really burning right now.
by Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeqwe November 23, 2010
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It's when you jerk off so much that your dick gets red and sore.
I masturbate so much that I get a Rusty Venture at least once per month.
by hammmmmm November 23, 2010
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