What you call yourself when you are trying to convince the world that you are not a crazy crack-addicted man-whore.
Guy, who is a loser, masturbating to sexy computer-generated characters from video games and anime drawings of girls showing their underwear at 4 in the morning in his mom's basement wiping the tears away: "I am winning."
by ChuckChaser69 March 7, 2011
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A word overused by charlie sheen to label everything he does
Come Wednesday they're gonna be naming it Charile Bros not Warner Bros . . . duh Winning!
by winninggoddess4CharlieSheen March 11, 2011
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Roughly synonymous with "getting your ass kicked". Winning! is often a result of pissing off everyone you know and getting canned. There is a fine line between Winning! and OD'ing! or Dying of some kind of VD! Side effects include being arrested and losing all respect.
Man 1: I just got fired for being an arrogant prick and abusing every substance known to man, such as alcohol, prescription pills, sex, and enough cocaine to keep Colombia's economy thriving. Not to mention the time I threatened to cut my wife's head of with a pen knife and mail it to her mom...
Man 2: Dude, your winning even more than charlie sheen.
by tigerblood15 March 13, 2011
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What Charlie Sheen is doing right now.
"Just winning, every day. Defeat not an option."

"Duh, winning! It’s, like, guys, IMDB right there, 62 movies and a ton of success. I mean, c’mon bro, I won best picture at 20. I wasn’t even trying. I wasn’t even warm.”

Charlie Sheen is not bi-polar, he is bi-winning.
by Dell_Tron March 3, 2011
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"When Daniel beat Jonathan in the "yo momma" contest, he was considered winning!"
by Tom Nashed May 9, 2008
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(Phrase) Typically used to indicate how good some action is. Also used in seemingly random intervals to indicate your lack of sleep and sanity. Used in contrast with "for the loss."
Ziat looted some really ugly shoulderpads for the win.

Klub sat on a bench... for the win.

Sourball needs all new gear for the win.
by kuchen May 12, 2005
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When your back is against the ropes, and your only option is to succeed or perish.
When confronted with the pandemic of 2020, researchers were in it to win it.
by Paul-E-Sure May 10, 2020
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