A place where homely unkept women, known as Frumps, are produced. Production occurs over varios legnths of time ranging from a few days to many years. The steps to produce Frumps include fattening, lack of hygeine, poor taste in clothing, unkept hair and make-up, etc... Frump factories can be found in almost every geographic location, although, there are higher concentrations of Frump Factories in areas like Utah and North Dakota.
Where did all of these overweight, frizzled hair, mothball smelling, baggy smock wearing women come from? There must be a large Frump Factory located nearby.
by slopass1 June 30, 2010
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A phrase used to define a female who is very annoying and has very bad dress sense - like that of a mother. She constantly asks what you're doing, where you're going, who with etc and has a tendancy to always think she's right.
Did you see her??! A total mother frump
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A homosexual sex position. Where two men have sex with another man at the same time.
Max: "Man I got so drunk last night, I got frump kissed by Jose and Eduardo".
Steven: "Wow, well I hope you stretched, ha"
Max: "Honestly, never had a better night in my life.
by apples1230555 August 17, 2018
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A frump-a-lump is quite a large, obese chick, one comparable to the size of a cow (rule of thumb), and is quite grotesque in nature. One also possesses behaviours that are quite foul, disgusting and somewhat off putting. You might go as far as saying a frump-a-lump is the perfect mixture between a frumpy and a heffer. Frump-a-lump's can be found across all demographic areas, ranging from lower, middle and upper class. Although most are quite prominent in Low Socio-Economic Status areas such as Dandenong and Croydon.
Danny - "dude, i copped some fat head this morning!"

Sean - "Sweeeet, was she mint?"

Danny - "Nah, i woke up, grabbed the paper, sat down on the shitter, and before i knew it a frump-a-lump was giving me a fresh frumpy! I didn't aven have to ask!"

Sean - "Oh dude, that sucks, was she from McRob?"

Dannny - "Yeah"

Sean - "Sweet!"
by gannog September 16, 2007
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a man-lady.
i.e. a man who resembles a lady,
or a lady who resembles a man.
this word also covers people who's sex you are not sure of.
Ozo- "Oh my! That guy is so hot!"
Tamo- "Dude, that's a chick."
Ozo- "Stupid frump."
by Ozo August 24, 2005
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A man who dates/marries/fucks frumps.
Did you see that chick Bill is fucking?

Ya, he's a total frump jockey.
by themstherules September 23, 2010
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uneasiness, anxiety, heebie jeebies, "the willies", "the creeps", nervousness.
Walking through the cemetery gave me the frump diddles.
by ann-isms October 18, 2011
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