A potent mix of Diet Coke and Monster Energy drinks. Seems to be a local favorite of West MI business leaders.
I've had so many dutch speedballs today, I'm probably going to smash this horse statue.
by Irish Frisky February 26, 2016
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The combination of a cup of over-strong (and often over-priced) pour-over coffee and a bowl of 20% TCH marijuana (or THC concentrate)
"You know man ... I just wake up, turn on C.P.R., have a Colorado Speedball, hop in my Subi, and ramble."
by tap33ater October 27, 2019
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Made popular by the creative class of North Hollywood, a Noho Speedball mixes the downer of a THC tincture with the upper of caffeine in coffee. It's an incredibly effective way to remain functionally high during normal daytime activities.
I put some weed oil in my Starbucks and went shopping with my noho speedball.
by J Clayton March 2, 2020
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A recreational drug combination that consists of 2 different kinds of pharmaceutical drugs that are often interchanged with eachother. Drug users will often use this combo as the "downer" can counter some of the negative effects they may experience from the "upper" for a more pleasant high.

1 or more pharma grade "downer" such as...

• Benzodiazepines - Xanax, Klonopin, Valium

• Opioids / Opiates - Hydromorphone, Codeine, Morphine, Percocet

• Hypnotics - Ambien, Zopiclone, Lunesta (uncommon)

Mixed with 1 or more other pharma grade "upper" (with some exceptions)

• Amphetamines - Adderall, Vyvanse, Dexedrine

• Misc Stimulants - Methylphenidate, Large dose Caffeine, Cocaine

The name Suburban Speedball comes from the combo being popular for middle class & affluent drug users. Possibly due to pills being easy for wealthy people to obtain or a sense that the combo is more safe because it doesn't involve "hard" drugs like Heroin, Crack or Meth.

Ironically, Suburban Speedballs may be more dangerous than a traditional Speedball. Mixing pills, especially more than 2 can have a list of potential side effects & even side effects that have never been seen or known how to be effectivley treated when lots of different drugs are combined.

It's highly advised to avoid this combo, there can be fatal consequences easily if your not extremely knowledgeable about pharmacology & dosing. Users should always practice harm reduction if this is ever attempted.
Zach - "Hey homie! I just got my Klonopin script and Jill hooked me up with a few of her adderall. Wanna come do a "Suburban Speedball" with me and come pop 2, 30mg addy XR, a 1mg Klonopin and smoke a blunt while we clean the entire house and maybe go shopping lol."

Sasha - "We are ruining our bodies, minds and personal live's... But yes come get me, we getting lit lol"

Zach - already here. Took adderall already. Hurry I'm boerd, we should steam clean every part of the car, *tweaker rants*
by Begotten April 20, 2022
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Consuming Coffee and Adderall in the same time frame to magnify the effects of both, mainly for alertness in events like tests, sales, stock trading, and so forth.
"I have a huge sales call later today, about to go all in on a proper Yuppie Speedball"
"Chad fired up the Nespresso machine and gave me a 10 mil Addy this morning before the market opened...I crushed it; I trade stocks and crypto so much better on Yuppie Speedballs"
by hartz0nFire June 4, 2021
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The combination of caffeine and THC in large quantities, optionally including nicotine.

Used by laborers and gamers alike.
I had a Minnesota Speedball to get me through the day.
by BichaelBuble November 8, 2023
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Mixing an rx stimulant like adderall or ritalin with a rx opiate like oxycontin or percocet.
Person 1: That kid had a diet speedball last night.

Person 2: What a fucking faggot.
by /////// October 21, 2009
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