possibly the greatest high school band from oceanside ever, too bad they didnt make battle of the bands, fuck ben chernovets
"u goin to shite practice tonight?"
by diabolical robot August 14, 2003
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A fucking stupid way of saying shit.
Shite is a fucking stupid way of saying shit.
by PantsHat July 12, 2006
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a better version of shit that indicates an impersonal command form of a verb
by C - 8=8 May 8, 2008
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I had a nice, relaxing shit this mornin
by Ich September 30, 2003
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Something that's not just shit, it's so bad it's shit on another level. (usually used in Ireland)
He was talking utter shite last night.

That band were utter shite.
by Synnojd February 2, 2012
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Noun; (1) To shit festering hot logs uncontrollably out of your ass in an endless stream creating a frozen yogurt effect. Oftentimes pieces of corn, cheese, and otherworldly meat can be seen pertruding from the poo mound. (2) The name of the former portly Prime Minister of Luxembourg
"What the fuck, son?! I invited Shite Madburger over to my pad and he made a greasy doppleganger of a shite madburger.
by Jon Beech August 29, 2006
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A variant of the popular explicative, holy shit. Most commonly used in the Britain, Ireland and Scotland.
by LedSledJoe April 9, 2016
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