Cruising the Golf of Arde, the lookout spotted a fast-moving skiff approaching the ship. "Holy shit! Here come the Sea Niggers!!!," he yelled.
by pfc. Snowball April 14, 2009
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Elusive Marine Rodent, inhabits the shores of Devon and Cornwall. Hunted by many, caught by few.
I do believe i just saw a Sea Badger Jenkins.
by jimbo January 26, 2005
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It's late in your summer house and everyone is getting ready i.e. the bathrooms are full so you run out to the ocean to take a sea pickle.
by Katherine Escobar April 5, 2006
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little brine shrimp that come with a variety of different tanks.

basically the coolest thing ever.

they can live for a long time, and they get their groove on and have baby sea monkeys.
my sea monkeys are so much cooler than yours.

my sea monkeys are mating!

you ass, you dumped my sea monkeys down the drain!!
by tabbo January 5, 2006
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A human female resemblant of a sea cow(aka manatee), but with a face far less smooth or attractive, being more like that of a donkey or other equine familiar. It is a miracle of nature that these women are land-dwelling, rather than living in the ocean, considering the frame-stress resultant of their girth would be far better supported in an aquatic environment.
Damn! Look at that sea donkey eat! Keep her away from children or someone could lose a finger!
by The Miracle Man June 18, 2003
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Cam Neely's character in "Dumb and Dumber". He spits in Harry's burger and then is tricked into buying Harry and Lloyd lunch. Later on March 25, 2:15 am sharp he bumps into Lloyd at a truck stop for man love.
by Hrsmndpg April 6, 2006
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