A point scored when one does a rebellious act.

Such as: Stealing yard ornaments such as flamingos. Littering. Lighting a fat joint. Hopping the fence of a private pool.

Any act involving the police earns the person 3 Rebel Points.

In order to use Rebel Points with friends and co-workers,

one must devise a Rebel Point System. The most sound system would be to achieve 3 Rebel Points per week, and 10 per vacation week. The Rebel Point system is not a competition, it is used to have fun and find spiritual and psychological fulfillment in everyday things.
Joey: "Dude......Kianna i just toked a fat bong long on top of my churches roof!"

Kianna: "You definitely get three Rebel Points for that!"

Joey: "Yea I'm set for this week"
by monkenround April 19, 2010
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When a loser only queues rebels and never flies imperials on Star Wars squadrons.

(Not to be confused with queuing for Rebels because you'd like to balance your faction time due to these idiots)
This butt head Rebel queuer has 100 hours in rebel and only 10 for Imperials, making it almost impossible for the random queuers to get Republic. What a away to ruin the community.
by Si.83 March 7, 2021
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Someone that tries to look rebellious and impress others by doing irrelevant things such as pocketing chewing gum from the 99c store or throwing screwed up paper on the ground. They will be too afraid to do anyrhing actually rebellious.

Rebel tryhards will scare easily and run off in a panic after doing what it is they do.
Joe: omg let's run! Did you see me kick that empty trash can over? Hope I don't go to jail...
Jim: you rebel tryhard..
by bingbox August 5, 2020
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Rebel Crew is an association of individuals who have United to participate and experience Peace, Love, Unity, and Having Fun. The Original Rebel Crew was established in 1986 in the Southern "Space City" Houston, Texas.

Listening, Mixxing, Producing and Recording Music is the driving and uniting motivation that propells the positive vibrations throughout the scene and through out time.

A Rebel is an "Odd Ball" someone who doesn't talk about "it" but is about "it". When a rebel speaks, others listen because the crew respects eachothers opinions and feelings.The Rebel Crew is Non Violent. The Rebel Crew contributes to society by healing one individual at a time with art and music. possesses staying power and individuality.
"I was thinking about getting a group of neighbors and family friends to join together to volunteer. The park needs to be cleaned bad!"
"That reminds me of back in the days when Rebel Crew had that club. We had to clean up tha club, then clean up the messes we made we were supposesd to be cleaning!"
by frankie5x April 18, 2011
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when you are a rebellious human being doing rebellious things
you filthy rebel lion, don't steal all those pantyhose!
by mackieronii January 24, 2016
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