When a chick fucks you with her strap-on, with out any lube or spit.
I'm walking funning because my wife gave me a raw dog last night.
by RawDog February 25, 2005
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When a person goes to public places without any sort of face mask on while in the middle of a pandemic.
"Hey, do you want to go inside the store for some groceries?"
"Nah man. Too many people raw dogging the air."
"You're right. We'll just do a pick-up order"
by BlindPianoNinja January 26, 2021
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The term used when Wednesday comes at work and you get fucked into working a double again.
Well Raw dog Wednesday is here again which one of us is going to get raped into sixteen hours?
by GiJerry78 August 17, 2007
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I was watchin a movie, and all the sudden it cuts to Jennifer Aniston gettin it raw dog. It was sweet.
by Big AK Playa August 1, 2003
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The act of raw doggin many women willingly and results in a child or many children.
Levi is at it again, fucked his chick and made another raw dog disaster.
by Kjmuffslut April 4, 2015
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eating food with your hands while shitfaced
"dude, i was so hammered new year's eve I was raw dog-n' that mac 'n cheese right outta the pot"
by ace bradshaw January 5, 2010
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To Raw Dog on something is to give it rough love, normally in a sexual fashion but not exclusively.
1) Did you go raw dogging this weekend? 2) Did you raw dog that girls snapper. 3) I raw dogged that shit!

by EvilEyebrows November 5, 2007
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